12. Robb BC, Olsoy PJ, Mitchell JJ, Caughlin TT, Delparte DM, Galla SJ, Fremgen-Tarantino MR, Nobler JD, Rachlow JL, Shipley LA, Sorensen Forbey J (Accepted) Near-infrared spectroscopy aids ecological restoration by classifying variation of taxonomy and phenology of a native shrub. Restoration Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/rec.13584
11. Melton A, Beck J, Galla SJ, Jenkins J, Handley L, Kim M, Grimwood J, Schmutz J, Richardson B, Serpe M, Novak S, Buerki, S (Accepted) Reversing the genome-to-phenome research pipeline: a draft genome provides hypotheses on drought tolerance in a keystone plant species in western North America threatened by climate change. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8245
10. Rohn T, Beck J, Galla SJ, Isho NF, Pollock TB, Suresh T, Kulkarni A, Sanghal T, Hayden EJ (Accepted) Fragmentation of Apolipoprotein E4 is Required for Differential Expression of Inflammation and Activation Related Genes in Microglia Cells. International Journal of Neurodegenerative Disorders, 4(1):1-9.
9. Galla SJ, Brown L, Couch-Lewis Y, Cubrinovska I, Eason D, Gooley RM, Hamilton JA, Heath JA, Hauser SS, Latch EK, Matocq MD, Richardson A, Wold JR, Hogg CJ, Santure AW, Steeves TE (In Press). The relevance of pedigrees in the conservation genomics era. Molecular Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16192
8. Wold JR, Galla SJ, Eccles D, Hogg CJ, Koepfli KP, Le Lec M, Guhlin J, Roberts J, Price K, Steeves TE (In Press) Expanding the conservation genomics toolbox: incorporating structural variants to enhance functional studies for species of conservation concern. Invited Submission to the Molecular Ecology Special Issue on Whole Genome Sequencing. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16141
7. Wojahn JMA, Galla SJ, Melton AE, Buerki S (2021). G2PMineR: A genome to phenome literature review approach. Genes, 12(2): 293.
6. Overbeek AL and Galla SJ (co-first author), Brown L, Thyne C, Maloney RF, Steeves TE (In Press) Pedigree validation using genetic markers in an intensively-managed taonga species, the critically endangered kakī (Himantopus novaezelandiae). Notornis Special Issue on Wading Birds.
5. Galla SJ, Moraga R, Brown L, Cleland S, Hoeppner MP, Maloney RF, Richardson A, Slater L, Santure AW, Steeves TE (2020) A comparison of pedigree, genetic, and genomic estimates of relatedness for informing pairing decisions in two critically endangered birds: Implications for conservation breeding programmes worldwide. Evolutionary Applications, 13(5), 991-1008.
4. Galla SJ, Forsdick NJ, Brown L, Hoeppner MP, Knapp M, Maloney RF, Moraga R, Santure AW, Steeves TE (2019) Reference genomes from distantly related species can be used for discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms to inform conservation management. Genes, 10 (1), DOI: 10.3390.
3. Galla SJ, Buckley TR, Elshire R, Hale ML, Knapp M, McCallum J, Moraga R, Santure AW, Wilcox P, Steeves TE (2016) Building strong relationships between conservation genetics and primary industry leads to mutually beneficial genomic advances. Molecular Ecology, 25, 5267-5281.
2. Galla SJ, Johnson JA (2015) Influence of differential introgression and effective size of marker type on phylogenetic inference of a recently divergent group of polygynous grouse. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 84: 1-13.
1. Galla SJ, Viers BL, Gradie PE, Saar DE (2009) Morus murrayana (Moraceae): a new mulberry from eastern North America. Phytologia, 91(1): 105-116.

Meet our team


Dr. Stephanie Galla
Assistant Professor in Avian Biology, Boise State University
I am interested in interdisciplinary conservation efforts for species in decline, and in particular, how genomic technologies can inform management decisions. Using DNA, our team explores whether birds (including grouse and raptors) have the adaptive capacity to be resilient in a changing world. As the PI of the Conservation Genetics Lab at Boise State University, I am excited to build an inclusive research environment where early career researchers have the structure and support they need to achieve their research goals.
Morgan Calahan
Research Manager, Conservation Genetics Lab, Boise State University
Having a background in both field and lab research, I am intrigued by the interdisciplinary nature of conservation biology, including how molecular techniques and resulting data can aid in the understanding and management of vulnerable species. I became interested in conservation genetics through collaborative research into the genetic diversity of Burmese star tortoise populations, a species considered functionally extinct in the wild, with hope to aid in successful reintroduction efforts. Recently, I have had the honor of collaborating with Smithsonian researchers on analysis of clouded leopard genomic datasets. Outside of the lab, I have enjoyed conducting Indiana bat surveys in the Appalachia, Mexican spotted owl occupancy surveys in Arizona and New Mexico, and survival studies of elk and mule deer in Colorado.
Sage Dale
Master's Student, Raptor Biology, Boise State University
I'm a Master's of Raptor Biology student studying gyrfalcon genomics. My research interests lie at the intersection of conservation genetics and avian ecology. Raptors present an exciting and challenging model for answering complex ecological questions and exploring adaptation on a genome level. Through my research I hope to explore gyrfalcon genomics and use molecular techniques to identify novel stressors on arctic raptor populations and mechanisms of species response. I received my Bachelor of Science in Zoology from Oregon State University. My previous research experiences have provided me opportunities with kiwi in New Zealand, gray wolves in Northeastern Oregon, and a wide range of raptor species including northern spotted owls and ospreys.
Cammi Norville
Master's Student, Biology, Boise State University
I am interested in the interdisciplinary conservation aspect of wildlife biology, particularly population genetics and ecology. I’ve spent the past several years working for the U.S. Geological Survey to research the different factors causing the decline of the Greater Sage-grouse. Sage-grouse present an interesting system as they are an indicator species for a large variety of other plant and animal species. Now, through my research at BSU focusing on the Bi-State Sage-Grouse population on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevadas, I hope to further explore sage-grouse population ecology on a genetic level using microsatellites.
Dr. Odbayar Tumendemberel
Visiting scholar, Conservation Genomics Lab, Boise State University
My main interests are to 1) help develop and implement research to address critical conservation issues for wildlife, especially in my home country, Mongolia; 2) disseminate and apply scientific knowledge for decision-makers and the public for effective conservation efforts by collaborating closely with individuals, organizations, and government; 3) use and develop genomic tools for wildlife conservation, including long-term genetic monitoring, understanding historical/contemporary connectivity, and genetic adaptation; 4) continue the research and conservation efforts for brown bears in Central Asia, especially the Gobi bears; 5) help increase scientific capacity and educate budding scientists.
Julia Parker
Undergraduate Researcher, Conservation Genomics Lab, Boise State University
I am currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Biology with a specialization in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB). My interest revolves around wildlife conservation, wherein I aim to explore questions related to the behavior and habitats of diverse wildlife species. At the moment, I am fortunate to receive support from the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation, enabling me to delve into the realm of conservation genetics within the laboratory setting. In my academic journey, I am working to expand my knowledge and skills across various domains, including laboratory techniques, critical thinking, effective science communication, fieldwork proficiency, and research methodology. This multifaceted approach aims to not only enrich my educational experience but also to propel my career forward in the field of wildlife conservation.
Jack Knutson
Undergraduate Researcher, Conservation Genomics Lab, Boise State University
I am a current undergraduate seeking a bachelor’s degree in biology with an emphasis in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior set to graduate in December of 2024. I spent the fall of 2023 working with the Intermountain Bird Observatory (IBO) in which I helped with habitat reconstruction and songbird banding. The experiences and connections I developed with the biologists there have helped set me up to where I am now, and I am so grateful for such wonderful opportunities! Conservation Genetics is a field I have recently become interested in, and this lab is a great place for me to enhance my skills as a young biologist. I also recently began my first job as a biologist working for the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center as a lab technician. My hope is to someday work in Wildlife Biology, particularly on ungulates and other wild mammals!